Terms of use

Publisher of the website :

Postal Address : 3 rue des lilas, 75019 Paris France
E-mail address: infos@cvconsultants.fr
Legal form : SARL with a capital of 5 000 €.
RCS: 520,323,288
SIRET : 52032328800032

Publishing Director :

The director of the publication is Christophe Vasseur.
The head of the editorial staff is Christophe Vasseur.

Hosting :

Hosting : 1&1 ionos
Company: 1&1 ionos
Web address: www.ionos.fr
Postal Address : 1&1 IONOS SE Elgendorfer Str. 57 56410 Montabaur Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 721 170 555
E-mail address: info@ionos.fr